FAQ'S                                        HEALTH AND SICKNESS



  • Do I have to take malaria prevention?

This most frequently asked question is not so easy to answer. Health authorities and services have different opinions about that. Some recommend, others don’t. See also the chapter https://www.travel2flores.info/planning/practical-flores/

Keep in mind the following.

- the best prevention is not to be bitten see this section under Health and Sickness

- prevention with malaria tablets is never 100% guaranteed.

- some travelers choose to carry an emergency set of tablets.

- read a lot and make your own decision


  • Should I take a mosquitonet with me?

If you intend to sleep in hotels/guesthouses without airconditioning you can consider to take a mosquitonet with you: sometimes these accommodations provide this, sometimes not. On Flores I see seldom travelers who bring them.
Alternatively you can use mosquito spray for your room like Hit One Push or similar brands and mosquito repellent for yourself for example Soffell; see pic below.


  • Are there other issues that require attention?

Yes, there are.

- be aware of the sun; wear a cap, use high factor sunscreen and drink a lot of water

- also read about dengue fever and chikungunya

- be careful with sharp coral when snorkling and diving and wear water shoes

- take care of everything you eat and drink


  • Should I take medication for motion sickness?

The roads on Flores are winding and some people struggle with motion sickness. Of course you can take a tablet from the pharmacy but what helps also is a slice of fresh ginger (market) to chew on.


  • Where can I find a decent hospital in case of emergency?

The best hospital is Siloam Hospital in Labuan Bajo

The second best is St. Elisabeth Hospital in Lela near Maumere.


  • Should I take medication from home?

Besides medication you need everyday (on prescription) there is no need to take this with you except the usual travelerskit like:

-Imodium (only if you need to travel)



-band aids
Also think of contact lens solution when you are wearing contacts. Hard to find on Flores and maybe you also prefer your own brand.

The rest you can buy in a pharmacy (apotik)

















Soffell, a good brand for mosquito repellent